Program måndag 29 juli 2024

An Italian Journey

From Genua to Naples…

Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840)
From Ghiribizzi M.S. 43 (Napoli 1820)
– Valtz
– In cor più non mi sento
– Allegro assai
– La ci darem la mano
– Vivace

From Palermo to Città di Castello…

Salvatore Sciarrino (1947) / Maurizio Pisati (1959)
L’addio a Trachis II (1987)
Translation from the original for harp solo

From Bisceglie to Vienna…

Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829)
From 12 Walzer op. 57 (Wien, 1817):
– n.6 in E Major
– n. 3 in D Minor
– n. 1 in A Minor

From Cagliari to Rome…

Gaia Aloisi (1995)
From Three Clocks (2023):
II. faraway chant

From Milano to Ingesund…

Bo Hansson (1943)
Image (2010)

A film on Sypario by Sylvano Bussotti
Fabio Selvafiorita Director
Elena Càsoli interpreter
Rocco Quaglia Director assistant and costumes

SYPARIO is a film based on the music score of Sypario by Sylvano Bussotti.
The Sypario’s score and the mise en scene on film realized by Fabio Selvafiorita consist of 15 micro-operas.
One performer, Elena Càsoli -guitars, archlute, oboe, voice- Bussotti’s opera costumes, and Italian classic theatre (Teatro Gerolamo in Milan) with its Sypario/courtain.
”Every page is a miniature, a fragile game written in sounds, signs, ideograms, two words, a folk song…” S.B.

-Experimental Dance & Film Festival Los Angeles 2023, Winner Best Music Video
-Athens Film&Art Festival 2023 Winner Best Music Video
-Hollywood Gold Awards 2023 Best Experimental Film
-Caravan International Film Festival 2023 West Bengala-India Winner Best Music Video
-Paris Film Award 2023 Best Experimental
-8 & Halfilm Festival Rome 2023 Winner Best Music Video
-New York Movies Award 2023 Honorable Mention
-Hottomela Int. Film Festival Kolkata-India 2023 Special Appreciation Award
-Black Hat Film Festival Budapest 2023 Selected
-Frida International Film Festival Paris 2023 Selected
-Colombia FICAB Film Festival Bogotà 2023 Selected
-New York Lift-Off Film Festival 2023 Selected
-Tokyo International Award 2023 Selected

From Experimental Dance & Music Film Festival – Los Angeles interview:

  1. What motivated you to make this film?
    Fabio Selvafiorita:The motivation has been the possibility of giving a different form, not ordinary like the audiovisual one, to that of a piece of music interpretation on CD or in the classic concert form. The music video is a form that has been consolidated for decades in the field of pop music, but it is not in the contemporary classical music. Then the esteem for the interpreter and the composer.
    Elena Càsoli: I have got the score from Sylvano Bussotti, with whom I had many occasions along the years to collaborate and perform. As an interpreter I love his music and I always think to it as a theatrical situation. So I wanted to give to Sypario a new theatre with the sound of my instruments.
    Rocco Quaglia: Bussotti’s works are always open to various possibilities, cinema being one of these.
  2. From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?
    F.S.:The pre-production phase was certainly the most complex because it required the study of each part of Bussotti’s Sypario, the choreography, the costumes and the location choice and finally how to translate all this through the audiovisual language: shots, lenses, camera movements. One year of work.
    E.C.:a long process, three years, to find for each scene an instrument, a sound, a scenery, a performative idea, an interpretation. Then with Fabio Selvafiorita working on the video concept.
    Then with Rocco Quaglia, who has been dancer at Teatro alla Scala and main interpreter of many Bussotti’s works, selecting the theatre costumes designed by Sylvano Bussotti and studying the choreography. Then thanks to Piero Colaprico, artistic director, having had the possibility to realize it at Teatro Gerolamo in Milan, a perfect location for Sylvano’s music.
    R.Q.:we worked together, each with their own skills and experience, combining them for the common project
  3. How would you describe your film in two words?
    F.S.:Two words in apparent contradiction: baroque and minimal
    E.C.:15 micro-operas